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more the result of a want of care in the part of the Officer, than in competency on the part of the clerk. There need be no excuse for its continuance in either case. Unnecessary delays caused by the return of papers for correction will be held as active grounds for displacement. Officers will use greater care in future in the appointment of incompetent clerks to be revoked. 

Sub Asst Commissioners in charge of Sub Districts in this State will make all purchases and expenditures for the Bureau, for their respective Sub Districts, and all application and requisitions from Agents will be submitted to the Sub Asst Commissioner in whose Sub Dist they may be in. Sub Asst. Commissioners only having in accountability for property as an Act. Asst. Quartermaster or Act Comr of Subsistence, unless others are specially designated in Special Orders by the Assistant Commissioner.

The following instructions in addition to those already given in relation to the rendition of property accounts are herewith given for the information and guidance for Officers and Agents of the Bureau in this State.

All papers shall be neatly and carefully endorsed. Vouchers should be numbered in regular order as they are ordered upon the abstract to


which they belong. No voucher is complete until the receipt is filled out in writing and properly endorsed and numbered. All requisitions for stores should show plainly why the stores required and needed. Requisitions for fuel should show the number of fines used under the head of remarks wood will be reckoned in linear measure eight feet to the cord and 12 inches to the foot. and coal as so many pounds to a bushel not in tons.

Property should be classified on the Returns in accordance with the printed headings on the Forms and entered in alphabetized order with reference to the different classes. All notes on the printed forms should be carefully observed. Vouchers showing expenditures should be very explicit and complete in all particulars, the application of such article expended should be carefully stated under head of remarks, and when special and large expenditures are made covered with the order authorizing the purchase and all facts able to explain the necessity of expenditure should accompany this as well as the purchase vouchers.

It should be seen that Returns are entirely correct by carefully comparing vouchers with Abstracts, Abstract with Returns, and Returns with each other, before they are submitted to the Chief Qr. Mr., no accounts pertaining to property returns can be paid until returns are found correct by that Officer who gives a receipt to that effect to the Officer responsible.

By order of Bvt Brig Genl O.L. Shepherd A.A.
Gen. Shorkley A.A.A.G

Transcription Notes:
3-18-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review