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2 Chas. A Miller Maj & A.A.A.G. Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Aug 7th 1865 Special Orders No 2 [[margin]] Forwarded [[/margin]] I Col George A. Harmount will proceed forthwith to Mobile for the transaction of business connected with this Bureau. He will return thereafter as soon as practicable. Quartermaster Department will furnish transportation II Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala Aug 8, 1865 Special Order No 2 [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] II First Lieut John W. Bowman 52d had Ind Vol Infantry Act'g. Asst that Superintendent Freedmen's Bureau on duty at Union Springs will at once remove his Headquarters to Tuskegee. Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Aug 11. 1865 Special Order No 2 [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] III Lt. Noah Lewett 2d the Cavalry will proceed at once with a sufficient force to the plantation known as the Widow Reeses plantation situated a short distance beyond Edmund Harrison's Mill on the [[wire?]] road leading from Montgomery to Lowndesboro in Lowndes Co and assist and bring to these Head 3 quarters the body of one Asa Allan, overseer on said plantation Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery Ala. Aug. 11. 1865 Special Order} No. 2 [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] IV Private A.B. Shipman Co "K" 8th Iowa Vols is hereby relieved from duty at these Headquarters and will at once report to the Company officer of his Regt for duty. [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] V Private A.W. Linus Co "K" 49th Missouri Vols is hereby relieved from duty at these Headquarters & will at once report to the Com Officer of his Regt for duty. [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] VI 1st Lt. A.P. Gibson A.A.Q.M will at once proceed to Mobile on business connected with this Bureau & report to Brig. Gen. Swayne for orders. Qr Msr Dept will furnish transportation. [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] VII The Guard now on duty at the stables occupied by the Quarter Master of this Bureau are hereby relieved and will report to their Commanding officer of their Regt for duty. Office Assistant Commissioner Bureau of refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands Montgomery, Ala. Aug: 18. 1865 Special Orders} No. 2 [[margin]] Fd [[/margin]] VIII Captain A.L. Brown Asst Supt Freedmen's Bureau will turn over to the Sheriff of Butler Co or any of his deputies or any Constable duly qualified to act as such for said county the body of Robert McDonald now held in confinement by