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to duty as Inspector of the Bureau and Superintendent of Schools for the State of Alabama.
III Lieut A. Harmount Special Agent Bureau Refugees &c is hereby assigned to duty as Asst Supt of the County of Montgomery.
IV Capt A. S. Brown 50th U.S.C.T will proceed to Mobile, Ala. on business connected with this office.
The Q.M. Dept will furnish transportations 
By order of
Brig GenW. Swayne

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Oct 19th 1865

Special Orders
No 266

Maj Wm McManis 9. Ills Vols Comg having confessed his willingness to assume the duties of the position is hereby assigned to duty as Asst Supt of Freedmen at Gainesville, Ala.
His jurisdiction will extend over all cases which may be brought before him from the surrounding country.
By order of 
Brig. Gen. W. Swayne


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refuges. Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery Ala. Oct 21th, 1865 

Special Orders 
No. 27}

Leave of absence for twenty (20) days is hereby granted to Lt. Jos. F. McGogy 50th U.S.C.T Act. Asst. Quarter Master Bureau Refugees, Freedmen etc. with permission to proceed North.
By order of 
Brig. Gen. Wager Swayne

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Sept 12th 1865

Special Orders 
No. 12}

IV Lt. Jos F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. will procure and expend twenty barrels of lime for the purpose of white-washing the Hospital stables &c of this Bureau.
By order of 
Brig. Gen. Wager Swayne