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78 called to Mobile Ala, in business connected with this office. He will return as soon as practicable. The Q.M. Dept. will finish transportation. By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne A.A.G. Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. Ala. March 8, 1866 [[left margin]]Fd[[/left margin]] Special Orders No 44} In accordance with orders received from the Commanding General Dept of Alabama Bt Lt Col C.H. Deane (Capt and A.Q.M. U.S. Vols) Chief Quartermaster of this Bureau is hereby relieved from his present duties and will proceed to his place of residence at Peoria Ils. The Q.M. Dept will furnish transportation for himself and authorized servants and baggage. By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne A.A.G. Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. Ala. Mch 12 1866 [[left margin]]Fd[[/left margin]] Special Orders No 45} Prvt Wm. S. Connor "H" Co 58th Ill Vols is hereby relieved from duty in this Bureau and will forthwith report to the Comdg. officer of his Regt. 79 II Lt Jas F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. will turn over to Chaplain C.W. Buckley Supt Schools two barrels of limes. III Lt Jas F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. will [[strikethrough]] turn over [[/strikethrough]] issue to Mayor Coleman the following articles of clothing Twelve (12) Jackets Twelve (12) Prs Pants Twelve (12) Blankets IV 1st Sargt George O'Reilly Co "D" 178th New York Vols is hereby relieved from duty in this Bureau and will forthwith report to the Commanding officer of his Regt. V Corpl W.W. Cordright "F" Co 8th Iowa Vols has permission to proceed to Mobile. He will return within three days. By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne A.A.G. Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. Ala. Mch 13th 1866 [[left margin]]Fd[[/left margin]] Special Orders No 46} Lt Jas F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. will issue to Bt col J.B. Callis Supt R.B. & A.L. at Huntsville, Ala the following articles of clothing for destitute Refugees and Freedmen. One Hundred and fifty (150) Jackets One Hundred and fifty (150) Prs Pants One Hundred and fifty (150) Blankets One Hundred and fifty (150) Prs Shoes II The following named enlisted men of the 5"th Ill Vols are hereby relieved from duty in this Bureau and will forthwith report to the Comdg. officer of their Regts. Sergt P.W. Lunt "G" Co Prvt Wm Jackson "G" Co