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130 Head Quarters Sub" Dist" of Ala Montgomery Ala, Sept 20th 1866 Special Order No 44 } Lieut Joseph Logan, QM of the Bureau of Mobile, will issue to Mr Gadson Goode, agent of the Bureau, Monroe Co., the following articles of irregular and defective clothing, for the use of infirm and crippled patients &c" in the Freedmens Home" in said County Fifty (50) Overcoats Seventy Five (75) Pr Rantaloons Thirty (30) Blankets Mr Goode is authorized to connect such part of the above into other articles of clothing as the necessity of infirm woman and children at said Home Colony may require. By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne Asst. Adj. Genl. Head Quarters Sub" Dist" of Ala. Montgomery Ala. Sept 22d 1866 Special Orders No 45} Military By Order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne Asst. Adjt Genl. Head Quarters Sub" Dist" of Alabama Montgomery Ala Sept 24th 1866 Special Orders No 46} 1 Surgeon CJ Kipp Surgeon in Chief in the Bureau in this State, will proceed 131 Opelika Ala on business connected with the his Department. He will return as soon as practicable II Military By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne Asst. Adjt Genl Head Quarter Sub"Dist" of Alabama Montgomery Ala Sept 28th 1866 Special Orders No 46 1/2} Lieut Geo F. Browning AAQM Post of Montgomery Ala will issue to Captain WHH Pick V.R.C. Asst Supt Bureau RF & AL Tuscaloosa Ala ten (10) cords of wood for the use of his Dept. By Order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne (signed) J.D. Conyngham 1st Lt 15th USI A A A Genl. Head Quarters Sub"Dist" of Alabama Montgomery Ala Sept 29th 1866 Special Orders No 47} I CH Buckley Supt. of Education in this state, will proceed to Mobile Ala, on business connected with his Department. He will return as soon as practicable. The QM Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation. II Surgeon C.J. Kipp Surgeon in Chief of the Bureau in this state, will proceed to Mobile Ala, on business connected with the District. He will return as soon as practicable. By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne Asst. Adj. Genl.