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136 By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Ala. Montgomery Ala. Oct. 20th 1866, Special Orders No 58 1st Lt. G.F. Browning AAQM Bureau R.F. & AL, will issue to Mr C.H. Scott, Keeper of the Montgomery Co. Jail, for use of the persons there confined, twelve (12) blankets By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct. 24th, 1866 Special Orders No. 59 AA Surgeon Con C. Badgar USA. in addition to his duties as Medical Officer, will assume general charge of the Home Colony, near Montgomery Ala. By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct. 27th, 1866 Special Orders No. 60 Lieut G.F. Browning AAQM Bureau R.F. & AL, will purchase the below specified material required for the repair of the Hospital at Home Colony, near Montgomery Alabama 137 viz: Two thousand (2000) feet of rough lumber, assorted Two thousand (2000) Shingles. One hundred & fifty (150) pounds of Nails, assorted Twelve hundred (12) Brick II Bvt. Captain P.E. O'Connor AAQM Bureau RF & AL, at Demopolis Ala, will proceed to Montgomery Ala, on business connected with these Hd. Qrs. after the transaction of which, he will return to his proper station. By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl. Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama Montgomery Ala. Oct. 24th, 1866 Special Orders No. 61 I AA Surgeon USA will proceed to Selma Ala, on business connected with the Medical Department of the Bureau of RF & AL. He will return as soon as practicable. The Q.M. Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation. II C.W. Buckley, Supt. of Education in this State, will proceed to Demopolis Ala, on business connected with this Department. He will return as soon as practicable. The Q.M. Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation. III Actg Asst. Surgeon H.W. Burkholder U.S.A. is hereby relieved from duty at Talladega Ala, and will, without delay, proceed to Selma Ala, and take charge of the Freedmens Hospital at that place. The Q.M. Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation. By Order of Maj Genl. Wager Swayne (signed) J F Conyngham 1st Lt. 15th USI, AAA Genl.