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Detail for the Board
Bvt. Captain Joseph Grover V.R.C
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 15th USI & AAA Genl

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala. Nov 27th 1866,
Special Orders
No 72}

I Military
II The QM Dept will furnish transportation to the Supt. of Education BRF &c for fifty (50) seats and desks for use of Freedmens school from Montgomery Ala, to Selma Ala.
By Order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
signed JF Conyngham
1st Lt 15th USI & AAA Genl

Head Quarters Sub Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov. 28th 1866

Special Orders
No 73}

A board of survey is hereby appointed to convene at the Freedmens Hospital at Demopolis Ala, at 10 am, on the 2d day of Dec 1866. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of fixing the responsibility and reporting upon the discrepencies said to exist between the invoice of a certain lot of medical and Hosptl. property, transferred by Asst. Surgeon C.B. White, Medical Purveyor USA, to a a Surgeon Buch [[?]] and the quantity of proper[ty] actually received by the latter on the 23d day of Oct 1866
Detail for the Board
1st Lt CW Pierce Bvt Maj V.R.C.
1st Lt PE O'Connor Bvt Capt. VRC


II A board of survey is hereby appointed to convene at the QM Office, Post of Selma Ala. at 10 am, on the 2d day of Dec. 1866 or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of ascertaining and reporting upon the amount of public property lost or destroyed on the night of the 26th inst. by the burning of the building in which said property was stored and for which 1st Lieut Joseph Groves, Bvt. Captain V.R.C. AAQM & A.C.S. is responsible.
Details for the Board
1st Lt Geo. Shorkley 15th U.S. Infantry
2nd Lt Chas C Johnson 15th U.S. Infantry
III Lieut Joseph Logan V.R.C. AAQM. at Mobile will transfer (10) ten Hosptl. tents to Bvt. Col. JB Callis V.R.C. Supt. B.R.F and AL Huntsville Ala.
The QM Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. & AAA Genl

Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala
Dec. 1st 1866

Special Orders
No 74}

I Bvt. Captain P.E. O'Connor VRC. AAQM. Bureau RF & AL at Demopolis Ala will purchase for the use of the Freedmens Hosptl. at that place, an iron box stove and the necessary amount of pipe, and will turn the same over to AA Surgeon W.P. Buch U.S.A. in charge, vouchers in the case will be sent to Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher Chief Disbursing officer at these Hd. Qrs. for payment.
II Bvt. Col. J.B. Callis V.R.C.