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Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Dec. 11th, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 77}

I  In compliance with telegraph instructions of the 10th inst. from the War Dept. AGO. Sergeant David McDonald and two men of Co "D" 3rd Batt 15th USI, will proceed at once to Washington D.C. in charge of Bvt. Maj. R. Theune Captain V.R.C., an insane officer.  On arrival in Washington Sergeant McDonald will report to the Adjutant Genl. for further orders.     
The QM Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation.
II  A board of Survey is hereby appointed to convene at these Hd. Qrs. at 10 AM tomorrow, or as soon thereafter as possible, for the purpose of fixing the responsibility of a deficiency said to exist between a certain lot of forages received by Lt. G.F. Browning AAQM, at Montgomery Ala, and the invoice furnished by Captain J.C. Grierson, A.Q.M. at Mobile Ala.
Detail for the Board
1st Lt. E.B. Savage 15th US Infantry
2d Lt Joseph G Walker 15th US Infantry
III  Military
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J F Conyngham
1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. & AAAG

Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Dec. 12th, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 78}

I & II  Military 
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J F Conyngham
1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. & AAAG


Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Dec. 13th, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 79}

Lieut Geo. Shorkley 15th USI Supt. Bureau RF & AL Selma Ala, will transfer to Bvt. Captain P.E. O'Connor AAQM of the Bureau at Demopolis, two hundred (200) pieces of the "hollow ware" now in his possession as Bureau property at Selma.
II  Bvt Maj. C.W. Pierce Supt Bureau R.F. & A.L. Demopolis Ala, will proceed to Montgomery Ala, on business connected with the Bureau, on the completion of which he will rejoin his proper station. 
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) J F Conyngham
1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. & AAAG

Head Quarters Sub. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.  Dec. 15th, 1866

Special Orders 
No. 80}

Pursuant to instructions from the President of the U.S. a release is hereby ordered of all right, title, interest and possession held by the U.S. in the real and personal property of Clement C. Clay, in Alabama, on account of his participation in the late rebellion.
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne 
(signed) J F Conyngham
1st Lt. 15th U.S.I. & AAAG