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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. may 13th 1867
Special Orders
No 10}
I A.A Surgeon J Schatz U.S.A. will addition to his present duties, take charge of the "Home Colony" Precinct Montgomery, Ala, relieving AA Surgeon Cm C Badger USA.     
II Bvt. Captain P.E. OConnor AAQM at Demopolis, Ala, will report in person at these Hd Qrs on business connected with his Department upon completion of which he will rejoin his proper station.
III Military
IV a Board of Survey is hereby appointed to convene at the office of the A.C.S at Demopolis, Ala, at 11am on the 15th inst or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examination into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility of a discrepancy said to exist betwene the invoice of a certain lot of Commissary Stores and the actual amount received by Bvt Captain P.E. O'Connor AAQM at Demopolis, Ala. 
Detail for the Board
1st Lt C.W. Pierce V.R.I Bvt. Maj"USA
V Military
VI Military
By Command of 
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
(signed)  J.F. Conyngham
1st Lt 15d U.S.I. & AAAG

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala, May 17th 1867
Special Orders
No 11}
Bvt Lt. Col. Charles J Kipp. Surgeon in Chief for this District, will proceed to Mobile, Ala, on Bureau business, upon completion of which he will      


return to his proper station.
By Command of 
Maj Gen. Wager Swayne 
(signed) D.H. Williams
1st Lt. in 1st USI. AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. May 20th 1867
Special Orders
No 12}
I Military
II Bvt Maj George F. Browning, Chief QM Bureau R.F. & AL. State of Ala, will issue for bedding in the Freedmens Hospital, Selma, Ala, four hundred and fifty six pounds of hay, it being impracticable to obtain straw.
III a Board of Survey is hereby appointed to convene at the office of the Chief QM Bureau R.F. & AL, State of Alabama, Montgomery, Ala, at 11 o'clock am, on the 22nd inst or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, and of fixing the responsibility of a discrepancy existing betwene the given quantity of a certain lot of oats invoiced to Bvt Maj George F. Browning, Chief QM Bureau of R.F. & AL. State of Alabama, by Bvt. Maj. Jno. C. Grierson AAQM. Mobile Ala.
Detail for the Board
Captain W.H.H. Peck VRC
1st Lt. William Browning 5th Cavalry
2nd Lt. J.L. Tull 33rd USI 
IV C. M. Buckley Supt of Education Bureau R.F. & AL. will proceed to Selma Ala. on business connected with his Department. He will return as soon as practicable. 
The QM Dept will furnish the necessary transportation 
V On the recomendation of the Surgeon in Chief, as many additional log houses as may be necessary to accommodate all the inmates of the