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Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama.
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery. Ala.  August 2nd 1867

Special Orders No 42}

I The two journeys made by Robt. T. Smith Sub. Asst. Commissioner of the Bureau at Opelika Ala. from Opelika to Randolph, Clay, and Chambers, Counties in the month of July 1867, having been made in accordance with letter orders from this office are hereby approved and the necessary travel expenses incurred thereon will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher, Chief Disbursing Officer. 
By Command of 
Maj Gen'l Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th U.S.I. Bvt Maj USA, AAAG  

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama. Aug. 3rd, 1867 

Special Orders No 43}

Mr. W.W. Hammell Clerk in Bureau RF and AL. Ala, will proceed to Selma, Ala. and report for duty to Lieut Geo Shorkley Sub. Asst. Commr. at that place.
By Order of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th U.S.I. Bvt. Maj USA, AAAG

Head Quarter Dist. of Alabama.
Bureau R.F and A.L.
Montgomery. Ala.  Augt 10th 1867

Special Orders No 44}

The journey made by Robt. Blair Sub. Asst. Commissioner at Tuscaloosa, Ala,


from Tuscaloosa, through his Sub. Dist. having been made in accordance with letter order from this Office of date June 22d 1867, is hereby authorized and the necessary travel expenses incurred thereon will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher, Disbursing Officer.
By Command of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty. Bvt. Maj USA, AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug. 15th 1867 

Special Orders No 45}

Lieut Geo. Shorkley A.A.Q.M. Bureau RF and AL, Selma, Ala, will purchase in open market at Selma, one thousand (1000) feet of lumber for the manufacture of Coffins for use in the Sub. Dist. of Selma.
By Command of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty Bvt. Maj USA, AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug. 15th 1867 

Special Orders No 46}

Leave of absence for twenty (20) days is hereby granted to Captain Wm. H.H. Peck, V.R.C. with permission to apply to the Commissioner at Washington for an extension of ten (10) days.
By Command of 
Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty Bvt. Maj USA, AAAG

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate scan of page 104