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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Oct. 23rd/67.

Special Orders No 67}

Lieut Geo. Shorkley 15th US Infty, Sub Asst. Comr. and AAQM, Bureau RF and AL, Selma, Ala, will transfer to the charge of the Civil Authorities of Dallas County, all buildings now occupied by the Bureau as a hospital and Colony at Selma:  it being understood by such transfer the U.S. relinquishes to the said Civil Authorities its right and title in said buildings, which will accordingly be dropped from the returns of the Officer accountable for the same.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt Maj USA, AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Oct. 24th 1867.

Special Orders No 68}

I  Mr S.S. Gardner, Sub Asst. Comr. and AAQM, Bureau RF and AL, Greenville Ala, will purchase in open market, and at the most advantageous terms possible, Eighteen (18) cords of wood for the use of the Bureau at Greenville.
II  Lieut L.J. Whiting, 45th USI, Chief QM Bureau RF and AL, Ala, will transfer to Hon. David Campbell, Probate Judge of Montgomery County for issue to the inmates of the "Poor House" of Montgomery County, the following articles:

Fifteen (15) Knit Jackets
Fifteen (15) Dress Coats
Fifteen (15) Prs Pants
Fifteen (15) Prs Shoes


Fifteen (15) Blankets
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt. Maj. USA, AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Oct. 25th 1867.

Special Orders No 69}

The journeys made by J.B. Healy, Agent Bureau RF and AL, at Girard, Ala, between Girard and Crawford, Ala, on the 20th and 23d Ult. and the 1st and 3rd inst, having been on Bureau business, are hereby authorized and the necessary traveling expenses incurred thereon will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher, Dis. Officer.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt Maj USA, AAAG

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Oct. 26th 1867.

Special Orders No. 70}

Satisfactory evidence having been shown at tis Office that the owners of the Steamer Virginia No. 2, are not responsible for the sinking of said boat at Mobile, on the 22nd June, 1867, with Govt. Stores on board, the account of said boat against the Bureau for freight, will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt. Lt. Col. Edwin Beecher, Dis. Officer.
By Command of Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt. Maj. USA, AAAG