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Head Quarters Dist. of Ala.
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Nov. 4th 1867.

Special Orders No 73}

I  In pursuance of authority received from the Commissioner of date Oct. 31st 1867, Lieut L.J. Whiting, Chief QM. Bureau R.F. and A.L. Ala, will purchase for the use of the Bureau in this District, six 6) copies of the "Revised Code of Alabama", 1867.
Payment thereof will be made on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt Lieut Col Edwin Beecher, Dis. Officer.
II  Lieut L.J. Whiting Chief QM Bureau R.F and AL, Ala, will issue twenty five (25) blankets to Dr. G. Albright for distribution to the poor of this City.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Nov. 7th 1867.

Special Orders No 74 } (Extract)

I  Acting Asst Surgeon A.J. Gray U.S.A. is hereby relieved from duty at Mobile, Ala, and will proceed to Talladega, Ala, and take charge of the Freedmens Hosptl. at that place.
The QM Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation.
II  The journeys made by R.T. Smith, Sub Asst Comr at Opelika, Ala, in compliance with letter orders from this Office, of date August 22nd, Oct 9th and 11th 1867, having been made on Bureau business are hereby authorized


and the necessary expenses incurred thereon will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher, Dis" Officer.
III  J.B. Healy, Agent, Bureau RF and A.L. at Girard, Ala, will proceed to Montgomery, Ala, on business connected with the Bureau, on the completion of which he will rejoin his proper station.
The Q.M. Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt Maj USA. A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Nov. 9th 1867.

Special Orders No 75}

In accordance with the provisions of Circular Letter from this Office of date Sept. 16th 1867, the Civil Authorities of Montgomery County having signified their acceptance of the proposition contained in said letter, the Bureau hospital in that County including the buildings, inmates, medical and hospital stores, and fuel stored on the premises, will at once be transferred to said Authorities or duly accredited agent appointed by them.  The Officers responsible for said property will make regular transfer of the same, giving and receiving the proper invoices and receipts therefor.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Captain 24th Infty, Bvt Maj U.S.A. 
A.A.A. Genl.