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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF & AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Decr 12, 1867

Special Orders No. 89}

W.C. Arthur Chief Quartermaster Bureau RF & AL, Ala will transfer to J.F. McGogy Sub Asst Commr at Talladega the following articles for issue to the destitute of his sub District
Fifty (50) pairs Shoes
Thirty (30) Knit jackets
Twenty (20) Caps
Twenty five (25) Great Coats
Twenty (20) Woolen Blankets
By Command of 
Bt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
(signed) S.C. Greene
Capt 24 Infty, Bt Maj USA. 
A.D.C. & A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF & AL
Montgomery, Ala.  Decr 18, 1867

Special Orders No. 90}

I  The contract of Dr J. Schatz A.A. Surg U.S.A. in charge of the Bureau Hospital at Montgomery Ala, having been annuled and authority given for transportation to St Louis Mo having been granted n this case by the Commr. W.C. Arthur Chf Q.M. B.R.F. & A.L. Ala will issue transportation to Dr. J. Schatz from Montgomery Ala to Lynchburg, Va.
II  The journeys made in Russell County Ala on the 21st to 25th Sept and 1st to 3rd Oct. by J.B. Healy Agent B.R.F. & A.L. Ala are hereby authorized and the necessary expenses incurred therein will be paid on presentatin of the proper vouchers by Bt Lieut Col Edwin Beecher Chief Disbursing Officer.
III  The journey made by John Burns Clerk


Bureau RF & AL on the 12 November from Selma to Camden, Ala, and return is hereby authorized and the necessary expenses incurred therein will be paid on presentation of the proper vouchers to Bt Lieut Col Edwin Beecher Disbursing Officer
IV  W.C. Arthur Chief Quartermaster B.R.F. & A.L. Ala will issue to Mrs H M Con the following articles of clothing for issue to the destitute of this County.
Six (6) Blankets
Six (6) dress Coats
Six (6) pairs of brogans
Six (6) flannel sack Coats (lined)
V  W.C. Arthur Chief Quartermaster B.R.F. & A.L. Ala will transfer to JF McGogy Sub Asst Commr at Talladega Ala Two Hundred (200) Yards Osnaburgs for issue to destitute freedwomen, and children in his Sub District.
By Command of 
Bt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
Capt 24 Infty, Bt. Maj USA. 
ADC. & A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery, Ala.  December 27 1867

Special Orders No. 91}

W.C. Arthur Chief Quartermaster B.R.F. & A.L. Ala will transfer to JF McGogy Sub Asst Commr at Talladega Ala, the following articles for issue to the destitute of his Sub District.
Two Hundred (200) prs Shoes
Two Hundred (200) Jackets
One Hundred (100) Great Coats
One Hundred (100) Blankets 
Fifty (50) Caps
By Command of Bt Maj Genl. Wager Swayne
Capt 24 Infty, Bt Maj USA. 
ADC. & A.A.A. Genl