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State of Alabama 5
Bur R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery January 15th 69

Special Order
No 1

H.M. Bush Asst. Supt. of Education will proceed to Opelika and Youngsboro Ala on business pertaining to the Educational Department, upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station

The necessary expenses incurred will be paid, upon presentation of the proper vouchers to the Chief Disbursing Officer State of Ala

Bvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commr.

State of Alabama
Bur. R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery, January 15th 69

Special Order
No 2

H.M. Bush, Chief Quartermaster Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Ala. will purchase for use of the Freedmen's School at Montgomery, one Stove, and sufficient stove pipe and zinc as may be required for the same.

Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst. Commr.