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and until the amount so secured is slipped or otherwise disposed of under the regulations on the subject, heretofore prescribed. And they will use all the means at their command, with the utmost vigor, to the end that all the property so collected, captured, or turned over shall be secured to the United States with the least possible cost and delay. 

After the 30th instant, the duty of receiving captured  and abandoned property not embraced in the above exception will be discharged by the usual and regular officers of the customs, at the several places where they may be located, in accordance with regulations relating to the subject; and officers heretofore performing that duty will give them all the aid and information in their power to enable them to carry out the same.

5. Officers of this Department charged with the care or supervision of, or having in their possession or under their control, any abandoned or confiscable lands, houses, and tenements, will turn them over to a duly authorized officer of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, so far as they may be required or demanded by the same, together with all moneys, books, records, and papers arising from or relating to the property so turned over, taking proper receipts or vouchers therefor. This rule will also govern the action of all agents of this Department connected in any way with the care of Freedmen, etc., so far as it may be applicable.

And all persons asking for any information in regard to the property so turned over, or for the release of the same, or for the release of any proceeds or moneys arising therefrom, will be referred to the Commissioner of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, at Washington, to whom communications on the subject should be addressed.

6. Officers of this Department having in their possession or under their control any moneys whatever arising from fees collected under the commercial intercourse regulations, (except for those collected for the benefit of freedmen, which will be disposed of under section 5) or from the sales of captured, abandoned, or confiscable personal property, will forthwith deposit the same with the nearest Assistant Treasurer, Designated Depositary, or Deposit Bank, (keeping the amounts from the different sources separate,) to the credit of H. A Risley, Esq., Supervising Special Agent, &c., taking therefor receipts in the quadruplicate—which receipts must show whence the sums were received—one of which will be retained by the officer so depositing, one forthwith sent to the Secretary of the Treasury, one to the Commissioner of Customs, and one to Mr. Risley, at Washington.

7. All officers above referred to, except proper officers of the customs, acting exclusively under the revenue laws, will, after they have closed their official business, as above directed, and sold at auction, to the highest bidder, the furniture and property remaining on hand, and accounted for the proceeds of the same, forthwith systematically arrange the books, records, papers, etc., of their late office, that they may easily be referred to and examined, pack them in secure and water-proof boxes, and forward the same, so marked as to indicate their contents, together with their respective resignations, addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, Washington City.

Hugh McCulloch,
Secretary of the Treasury.