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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. 
Office Chief Quartermaster.
Washington, D.C., Nov 28, 1866.

 Hereafter, transportation for Teachers of Freedmen’s Schools employed by Benevolent Associations, will be issued from Washington, on application therefor, by the agents of such Associations, to the Commissioners Bureau R. F. & A. L.
 The transportation to be issued on such applications will be confined strictly to persons actually employed as Teachers.
 When application has been made for such transportation, and it is found impracticable to furnish the same, or when transportation has been issued, and it cannot be used, from causes beyond control of the teacher, actual cost of transportation by the shortest practicable route from the teacher’s home to the place where his or her school is located may be collected after the journey has been performed.
 For the purpose of collecting actual cost of transportation, the account therefor made up in triplicate in the annexed form will be presented for audit and approval either to the Commissioner Bureau R. F. & A. L., or to the Assistant Commissioner of the State or District where the school is located; and, when so audited and approved, will be paid by the proper Disbursing Officer of the Bureau, from the Refugees’ and Freedmen’s Fund, or from the School Fund.
 in cases where transportation orders have been issued, and the same have not been used, they will be attached to the account for actual expenses, with a brief statement on the face of such orders why the same could not be used.
 Following the words “as per annexed statement” in the form of account herein given, the actual route travelled should be stated.
By order of
Maj. Gen. O.O. HOWARD
Bvt. Brig. Genl. & Chf. Qr. Master.
(See next page)