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Washington, Dec. 10, 1866.

Hereafter, all accounts for transportation service against this Bureau will be forwarded to this office for audit and approval, and when approved will be referred to the chief accounting and disbursing officer for payment, or for reference to the Receiving and Disbursing officer of the Bureau nearest the principal office of the company rendering the service. The latter course will uniformly be pursued except in cases where the parties intercepted request, through their authorized agent, that som other place of payment be designated; and except also, in cases of companies indebted to the United States for railroad materials sold them on credit. Accounts of these companies, on being approved, will be forwarded to the Chief Accounting and Disbursing Officer with the request that they be referred by him to Bvt. Lt. Col. F. J. Crilly, A. Q. M., or to such other officer as the Quartermaster General may designate, with the view of having the amounts of such accounts credited to said companies in account with the United States.
Railroad companies and other carriers forwarding to this office accounts for transportation service, will be required to file with the Chief Quartermaster of the Bureau the usual evidence of agency of the person authorized to receipt the same. This evidence must be furnished before their accounts are referred for payment.
The rules and regulations of the Quartermaster's Department governing the issuing of transportation orders, bills of lading, &c., and the settlement of accounts for transportation service, are adopted as the rules and regulations of this Bureau of the same subjects. The General Orders and Circulars regulating transportation are as follows:
G. O. Q. M. G. O., Series 1865, Nos. 17, 18, 29, 37, 50, 52, and 63.
G. O. Q. M. G. O., Series 1866, Nos. 5 and 7.
G. O. A. G. O., Series 1865, No. 138.
Circular Second Comptroller, July 24, 1866. For correction of distances in this table see G. O. Q. M. G. O., No. 85, Series of 1866.
All orders authorizing the issuing of "transportation orders" will be made by the Commissioner, except when Freedmen are to be transported to and from places within the same State. In such case the necessary orders may be issued by the Assistant Commissioner in whose district such places are.
Care should be taken to have the receipt annexed to the "transportation order" signed by the person named in the order. If such person