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by the Surgeon in charge when the attendants are paid through him. No attendant's name should appear on the Receipt Roll whose services have not been reported in Form 2. The Muster Roll is not intended to take the place of the Report of Attendants (Form 54) to be made on the fifteenth of the month, to the Chief Medical Officer."

Paragraph 32. After the words "Hospital Fund," insert "or Freedmen's Fund," and in sixth line substitute "Medical and Hospital property" for "hospital-furniture."

Paragraph 35. This paragraph should be divided, and the two sentences made separate paragraphs, so that the first sentence shall be Paragraph 35 A, and the second sentence, Paragraph 35 B.

Paragraph 39. Strike out this paragraph as it now stands, and substitute as Paragraph 39, the following:
XXXIX. When a contract is made with a private physician, the required oath of allegiance must accompany the duplicate copy sent to the Chief Medical Officer, unless the physician employed has formerly been in the service of the Bureau, and the oath has been filed in the office of the Chief Medical Officer.
Accounts for pay arising under the contract should be made at the end of each month, certified to by the commanding officer of the Post or Sub-District, under whose directions the services were rendered, and then transmitted to the Surgeon-in-Chief of the District for his approvall. 
The Chief Disbursing Officer of the District will then, on the order of the Assistant Commissioner, pay the account, deducting the Internal Revenue Tax.
Accounts for final payment after the annulment of a contract will not be approved by the Surgeon-in-Chief until the Acting Medical Officer furnishes from the Chief Medical Officer a "certificate of non-indebtedness."
Immediately on the annulment of a contract, the Surgeon-in-Chief will direct the Acting Assistant Surgeon to forward, at once, to the Chief Medical Officer, a Return of Property with the proper receipts and invoices. 
If it is in contemplation to annul an existing contract before the middle of the ensuing month, the Surgeon-in-