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Allowance to Army Officers on duty in this Bureau
Communications of such allowances not to be paid from funds of this Bureau.
Requisitions for Quartermasters Stores, how made.

War Department,
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Washington, Feb. 1, 1867

Circular }
No. 2 

I. Under the provisions of C.O. No. 6, Q.M.G.O, August 11, 1866, officers of the army, properly assigned to duty in this Bureau, will receive from the Quartermaster's Department their allowances of quarters and fuel, forage for their authorized horses, straw for servants, and stationary allowed by paragraph [[?]], Revised Army Regulations, when not supplied by their respective departments.

II. None of these allowances should be commuted and paid by officers of this Bureau out of its funds; but when it is necessary that issues of said articles should be made in kind from supplies pertaining to this Bureau, the officers making the issues will forward to this office special reports, giving the names, rank, stations, and present duty of the officers to whom issued, the date of the issues, the kind, quantity, and value of the articles issued, and the period for which the issues are made.

III. Requisitions for Quartermaster's Stores, other than those for issue under the provision mentioned in the first paragraph of this Circular, will, when made by officers of this Bureau, before being forwarded to the Commissioner for approval, be referred to the Quartermaster at the station where they are to be drawn, for his remarks, whether or not the supplies on hand will admit of the transfer of such stores to this Bureau. 

IV. Hereafter, as for inspection in officers of this Bureau will be furnished with the authorized offices, storehouses, &c., from the buildings in possession of the Bureau.
Whenever it becomes necessary to hire private buildings for such purposes, care should be taken to secure such as are provided with heating apparatus, in order that the necessity for purchasing stoves may be avoided.
The rent of the buildings so listed will, in all cases, be established by a Board of Officers, to be appointed by the Assistant Commissioner of the State or District where the buildings are required. Whenever it is practicable, the Receiving and Disbursing Officer of the State or District should be a minimum of the District so appointed. The sessions of said Board will only be held at the Headquarters of the Assistant Commissioner.