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Property Returns - examination and transmittal of. 
Stoppage of pay in certain cases. 

Washington, March 9, 1867. 


No. 7. 

The attention of all officers and agents of this Bureau, who are accountable for public property, is invited to the imperative necessity for a strict compliance with the regulations of the Bureau in regard to making up and forwarding the prescribed monthly returns. 
Returns of property are frequently received at these Headquarters, made up in such an irregular manner that it is impossible to determine whether the property reported belongs to the Bureau or to the Quartermaster's Department of United States Army, involving much unnecessary correspondence and delay in the settlement of the accounts. In order to avoid this uncertainty, officers should inform themselves as to the source from which the property for which they are accountable was originally derived - whether from the Quartermaster's Department on requisition for the use of the Bureau - and thus continuing the property of the Quartermaster's Department to be accounted for as such, or by purchase with Bureau Funds from the Quartermaster's Department, or in open market, or by donation form benevolent associations or individuals, and thus acquired to be accounted for as property of this Bureau. 
Monthly returns of "Quartermasters Stores," and of "Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage," are required to be forwarded in triplicate, one copy of which is for file at these Headquarters; the other two, with one set of abstracts and vouchers, will, if found correct, after examination, be forwarded to the Quartermaster General, through the Commissioner of the this Bureau. 
Monthly returns of property belonging to the Bureau should be plainly marked "Stores pertaining to B.R.,F.,&A.L.," and forwarded in duplicate, with one set of abstracts and vouchers, to the Commissioner.
The greatest care is enjoined on the officers of this Bureau in the several States, acting as Chief Quartermasters, in the examination of the returns of officers and agents of the Bureau, who are accountable for public property. They should see that these returns are made up in strict conformity to the regulations, and not until