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issue of food will be discontinued as soon as early vegetables and fruits shall be grown.
4. Brevet Brigadier-General E. WHITTLESEY, A. A. Inspector-General, will assume the general charge and direction of the distribution of these supplies. He will be governed by the orders of the COmmissioner from time to time, will keep a careful record of his proceedings, and make frequent reports of the same to this Office.
5. Assistant-Commissioners of this Bureau will at once enter upon the work of distribution of these supplies, and will use the utmost care that none but the very destitute receive them. They will direct the local agents in districts where by reason of the failure of the crops, or other causes, great destitution exists, to consult with civil officers and ascertain the number of persons destitute. They will make all necessary contracts for the transportation of supplies within their respective jurisdictions, and will establish depots at convenient places.
6. Each Assistant-Commissioner will assign an efficient and faithful officer as Acting Commissary of Subsistence, whose duty it shall be to receipt for the supplies furnished in bulk, and to distribute the same to local agents. And all local agents to whom any portion of such supplies are transferred shall give receipts and account for the same on the forms furnished, in the same manner as Commissary Stores are accounted for in the Subsistence Department.
7. All expenses incurred in purchasing, transporting, and issuing these supplies, will be paid out of the special fund set apart for this purpose. A separate account will be kept of these expenses, and a full report made on the first day of each month of all expenditures and issues during the month previous.
8. Assistant-Commissioners will appoint additional local agents, whenever absolutely necessary for the special purpose of issuing these supplies, to whom the oath of loyalty prescribed by Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, will be administered, and no one who cannot subscribe to the same shall receive such appointment.

Following are instructions at to "Returns:"
1. Returns will be made to this Office monthly. Each contracting officer, or officer purchasing provisions in open market, will forward with his return a copy of each contract, bid, or advertisement made or published under this Resolution since his last return; also all receipts of those to whom he may have made

Transcription Notes:
The large gap between the sentence ending in the word "appointment" and the sentence starting with the word "Following" has a section break separating the bodies of text in the original document.