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transfers of such provisions (No.1). Copies of such contracts, bids, or advertisements must be forwarded also to the Returns Office, in this city.
2.  Officers of this Bureau receiving such provisions from the original purchaser or contracting officer, will forward to this Office monthly their accounts (No. 5) of receipts and distributions of food, accompanied by receipts (No. 1) of such agents of final distribution as may be appointed.
3.  The agents of final distribution will return to this Office monthly their abstract of issue (No. 4) vouched by the certificates and receipts of persons relieved (No. 2).
4.  Provisions for distribution will be drawn upon Requisitions (No. 3) from Depots to be established.

O.O. Howard
Maj.-Gen., Commissioner.
J.F. Conyngham
A.A. Adjutant-General.