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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, Oct. 11, 1867.


 The following instructions from the War Department relative to advertising and job-printing are published for the information and guidance of officers and agents of the Bureau:
  Washington, October 7, 1867.
 The following instructions relative to advertising and job-printing will be issued by the heads of bureaus to officers acting under their orders:
  1. To limit advertisments to not more than six (6) insertions in each daily newspaper to which they may be sent, the insertions to be given on consecutive days but the date of sales or of opening proposals to be as many days after the last insertion as may be necessary. Whenever an officer is of opinion that any advertisment should be inserted more than six times, he will report the case to the head of his bureau for orders.
  2. Publications made for any other purpose than for advertising sales or proposals will be limited to one insertion.
  3. At principal offices and depots, where advertisments inviting proposals are frequently issued, it is not necessary to publish in detail each time the usual conditions imposed on bidders and contractors. A reference to former advertisment of same conditions, or a notice that they will be furnished on application, will be sufficient.
  4. The authority given to any officer to advertise or to have any job-printing done will not be construed as authorizing payment of the bills. These must in all cases be sent to the War Department for approval prior to payment.
  5. In making the reports required by paragraphy one (1) of the advertising regulations, officers will state the specific authority—whether of law, Army Regulations, or orders—under which the advertising is done, and furnish copies of the orders when practiable.
  6. In forwarding bills for advertising for approval, officers will state in their letter of transmittal the date when paragraph one (1) of the advertising regulations was compiled with, in case of each advertisement in the bills.