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Washington, March 15, 1868


In accordance with the decision of the Secretary of War, accounts for medical attendance upon officers and enlisted men of the army, detailed for duty in this Bureau, will be paid from the funds of the Bureau.
In rendering accounts of this nature, the requirements of existing regulations will be observed in all cases, and in addition thereto the office, and in case of an enlisted man, the Agent or Sub-Assistant Commissioner, will certify that he was exclusively on duty with the Bureau when the service was rendered. When a charge is made for more than one visit a day to a patient, or for a prolonged visit, a full statement of the circumstances of the case will be given; and when more than one patient is visited at the same place on the same day, the full charge will be allowed for one patient, and half the usual rates for each of the others. The nature of the sickness will, invariably, be stated by the physician.
These accounts will be transmitted to the Chief Medical Officer through the Sub-Assistant Commissioner of the District, and Assistant-Commissioner and Surgeon-in-Chief of the State, for any remarks they may see fit to make.

By order of Maj.-Gen. O. O. HOWARD.
A. Asst. Adj.-Gen.