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to pray for those in civil authority,—2d;—He declares the prayer inappropriate and inapplicable because no civil authority exists in the exercise of its functions. On the 20th of June, the date of his letter, there were a President of the United States, a Cabinet, Judges of the Supreme Court and thousands of other civil officers of the United States, all in the exercise of their functions,— it was for them specially that this form of prayer was established, yet the Bishop cannot among all these find any subject worthy of his prayers.
Since the publication of his letter, a Civil Governor has been appointed for the State of Alabama, and in every County, Judges and Sheriffs have been appointed and all these officers are, and for weeks have been in the exercise of their functions, yet the prayer has not been restored.
The prayer which the Bishop advised to be omitted, is not a prayer for the continuance of military rule, or the continuance of any particular form of government or any particular persons on power—it is simply a prayer for the temporal and spiritual weal of the persons in whose behalf it is offered—it is a prayer to the High and Mighty Ruler of the Universe that he would with his favor behold and bless His servant, the President of the United States and all others in authority—that He would replenish them with the grace of His holy spirit, that they might always incline to His will and walk in His ways, that He would endow them plenteously with heavenly gifts, grant them in health and prosperity long to live, and finally after this life to attain everlasting joy and felicity. It is a prayer at once applicable and appropriate, and which any heart not filled with hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness could conscientiously offer.
The advice of the Bishop to omit this prayer, and its omission by the clergy is not only a violation of the canons of the church, but shows a factious and disloyal spirit, and is a marked insult to every loyal citizen within the Department. Such men are unsafe public teachers, and not to be trusted in places of power and influence over public opinion.
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to the directions of Major General Thomas, commanding the Military Division of the Tennessee, that said Richard Wilmer, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the diocese of Alabama, and the Protestant Episcopal Clergy of said diocese be, and they are hereby suspended from their functions, and forbidden to preach or perform divine service, and that their places of worship be closed, until such time as said Bishop and Clergy show a sincere return to their allegiance to the government of the United States and give evidence of a loyal and patriotic spirit by offering to resume the use of the prayer for the President of the United States

and all in civil authority, and by taking the Amnesty Oath prescribed by the President.
This prohibition shall continue in each individual case until special application is made through the Military channels to these Headquarters for permission to preach and perform divine service and until such application is approved at these or superior Headquarters.
District Commanders are required to see that this order is carried into effect.

By order of Major General CHAS. R. WOODS,



Sam. W. Snow
Assistant Adjutant General.