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Sub District of Claiborne Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Claiborne Ala June 30" 1868:


Brevet Maj. George Shorkley
Montgomery Ala:


I have the honor to state in submitting a "General Report of the Affairs of the Bureau R.F. & A.L." in this Sub District, that no material changes have occured to differ from those presented in my Report For the month of May last.

But few complaints have been made by the freedpeople, and those entered are chiefly for unsettled claims for last years labor, and misunderstandings of a trivial character with their employers. Two cases one of "assault & battery," & "assault with intent to kill,"- both committed by freedmen, were referred to this office, and turned over to the civil authorities and the arrests made, aided by the military, upon application for such assistance by the civil affairs. - One or two other minor cases of assault upon freedmen upon complaint, were promptly adjusted by the civil authorities upon notification from this office.

The freedpeople in this Sub District so far as I am able to learn are still working assiduously & faithfully for their own as well as their employers crops, - and giving universal satisfaction. The general drouth which appears to have visited this section for such an unusual length of time, has caused some dissatisfaction in a few instances among  hands upon one or two plantations only, and some carelessness and indifference to complying with their contracts have been the result, and such evidences of neglect when reported to this officer have been immediately quelled.

The school here, is about as before, only that a small increase