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them, one had about three hundred acres of [[corn?]], Sixty acres of Cotton, peas, potatoes, &.c. for this I give as rent 2500 bushels of corn.  The other has about three hundred & forty acres of corn, [[ninety?]] of cotton, peas, potatoes, &.c. for which I give as hire 2500 bushels of corn & half of the cotton raised.

In filling up the colony my Instructions were to draw every thing possible from the Q.M. Dept & necessary articles which could not be drawn to be purchased on Q.M. vouchers.  As farming implements & other necessary articles for use on plantations could not be drawn I was compelled to purchase quite [[largely?]]

There are at present about one hundred & seventy on each plantation.  One officer [[noting?]] as A.Q.M. with a small guard is in charge of each plantation.

In accordance with Instructions from Mr. Conway I have an Asst. at Gainesville & one at [[B?town?]] both acting under my orders.  I also have one at Greensborough, a very important point, but he has been relieved

Allow me to state that this is the garden of the state, the rich canebrake Lands, where, its said, there are about ten colored to every white person.  When our army passed upon either side the negroes were [[?]] in here for safe keeping & I think I am right in saying that in no portion of the South