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4th And believing that sundry sections of the Act of the Legislature spoken of were unconstitutional & repugnant to a strict rule of what was Justice and right. in my best Judgement, unbiassed any prejudices that were natural to Exist in relation to Freed men, I have felt it my duty to act as I did & have done regardless of the sentiments & solicitations of many good & worthy citizens. I am satisfied however now that in a few instances it would be advantageous to apprentice some of the minor children under the applications made by Good and proper persons, on their Executing Bond with good security faithfully to perform the conditions thereof.
5th In my best Judgement it would be improper to proceed or cause all minors or orphans to be bound out to persons who pecuniarily are able to give good 7 sufficient Bonds because a large majority of the citizens of any County are & would be unable to Execute Bond that could be or would be approved (as to solvency) as required by Law. This class of persons in a great degree perhaps, would constitute our population who would