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deal most charitable with apprentices & again under the Civil Rights Bill nearly all Freedmen, the Friends & relatives of Orphan Free Children might be thereby prevented or unable on account of Responsibility pecuniarily  from providing for their natural Kindred which they might desire to do.
But few Freedmen in our community have property of any kind that could be taken to satisfy the conditions or penalty of any Guardian or apprentice Bond & if good Faith & natural affection is observed (which should not be questioned where a near relationship exists) I am satisfied in many instances & for many reasons they would be debarred from this priveledge & believing they are proper persons to have charge of their kindred. 
6th The above Report is made with no spirit of dictation but from an honest conviction of duty, having regard entirely to what is equitable, right and proper.
7th I would also respectfully Report that in my best judgement that the actual destitute both Black and White are being comfortably & charitably provided for in my County.
Respectfully Submitted
W G Oliver [[?]]