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only three were apprenticed in that County  Although a large number of applications were made, in one instance a Mr. Walton made application to have 23 (twenty three) bound at once.

I enclose his entire report as I am confident that I shall not have occasion to refer to it. I have procured a list of all the apprentices in this Sub District, which I find very convenient for reference

Under Gen Orders No 3 I have ordered the release of twenty five (25) apprentices, who were capable of self support, 14 (fourteen) of whom were in Marengo Co. 10 (ten) in Sumter, and 1 (one) in Choctaw. The Judges very cheerfully complied with the instructions, although six months ago, they could not be persuaded to take the same action. No apprentices are hereafter to be bound in this Sub-District without my approval.

VII  Administration of Justice

Under Special Order No 1., I attended the sessions of the Circuit Courts in the various Counties of my Sub District, with the exception of Choctaw Co, which Court had adjourned before the receipt of