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Sub Dis't of Demopolis B.R.F & A.L.
Demopolis Ala April 30" 1868:

Bv't Maj. Geo: Shorkley
Montgomery Ala

I have the honor to submit the following Report of operations of the Bureau R.F. & A.L in this Sub District for the month of April 1868:

Special Orders No 38. State of Ala. B.R.F. & A L. March 28" 1868, assigned me K duty as Sub Ass't Commissioner, referring "Lieut: A.J. Bennett, late Sub Ass't Comm'r for this Sub Dist. I found the affairs of the office in a very good and creditable condition.

Some acts of violence have been committed during the past month, but compared with the previous one, it has been very quiet. On or about April 8th, while some prisoners were being removed from Greensboro' to Marion jail, for safer keeping, two Freedmen charged with murder were forcibly from the guard in charge, and were probably hung, of which, reports have been forwarded to Head Quarters.

Demonstrations of a violent character issuing from a secret organization known as the "Ku Klux Klan" were made in this and other places some weeks since, but upon publication of the orders of Generals Meade and Shepherd, relative to such organizations, but little has been heard from them.

Quite a number of complaints have been entered relative to wages due for services rendered in 1866, but the "Order No 13" does not apply to such cases, and they can only be referred to Civil Law. During the past month quite a number of cases have been adjudicated by arbitration, that otherwise