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Also. There are many that have no written contract, and I am satisfied that many thereby, hope to be able to defraud the laborer out of his wages, or share of the crop, and to prevent great injustice. it will in my opinion be imperatively necessary that an order be issued in anticipation of such cases, for the Civil Law is in effect inoperative, and public sentiment is such that it imposes no restraint - if only, a soulless Freedman is to be the sufferer.

And I beg leave to suggest that if an order should be issued, kindred to Special Orders No 13 & 14, series 1867, that it provide, that such a share of the crop as Freedman may have contracted to work for. shall be subject or subordinate to no other Lien, Mortgage, attachment or claim of any kind. except for advances actually made to them. Profitting, by given past experience, undoubtedly many have given and will give liens that will cover the entire crop & will see that they are recorded in good season, in anticipation of an order similar to 13. Many of the Planters are deeply in debt to commission Merchants for advances made in 187.

I have several cases on hand now. where