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Outrages and Injustice to Freedmen.
Complaints of this character are becoming less frequent.  And, upon investigation, it has appeared that most of the outrages complained of, were either provoked by imprudent conduct on the part of the freedmen, or committed by vicious, lawless white men of the lower class of society.  Men of inteligence and good standing in the community, making due allowance for the ignorance and inexperience of the freed people, exercise a great deal of forbearance towards them; and show a willingness to sustain the courts in awarding justice to them in all cases involving their rights of person or property.

Feeling between the Races.
Though there are individuals who still retain that old prejudice against every thing which, according to their perverted opinion, savers of "negro equality", yet the majority of the people manifest feelings of kindness and humanity towards the colored people, which they fully reciprocate by politeness, and such conduct generally as becomes orderly good citizens.
I am, Sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obt. servt.
W.E. Connelly,
Sub. Asst. Comr.