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especially those in their employment. Finding themselves mistaken, however, in these calculations, and seeing that the colored men are determined to think, and act, and vote as they please, the whites are losing some of their "tender regard" for, and "strong attachment" to their "former Slaves." The colored people, notwithstanding, manifest a great deal of forbearance, and seem disposed to heed the cousel they have received on the subject; - that is "not to let political differences engender personal animosity.

The more inteligent and liberal whites, too, are cultivating the same spirit of liberality.

Every effort has been made to preserve the peace and promote the harmony of the two races; and the evidencies, thus far, go to show that those efforts have not been entirely ineffectual.

I am, Sir,
Very respectfully
Your obt. servt.
W. E. Connelly,
Sub. Asst. Com'r