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5 Poor Law
One pauper has recently been sent to the Poorhouse in this County, and others will be reported soon.  No reports have been received from other counties in the Sub-Dist. during the month.-

6  Schools.
The condition of colored schools is about as reported last month.  Blanks for Teachers' Reports have been received from Dist. Hd. Qrs., and distributed to teachers through Probate Judges in the different counties of the sub-District.-

7  Contracts.
Several contracts have been presented for examination during the month.  Most of them have been approved, while others have been disapproved.  No contracts for the ensuing year have yet been presented. -

8  System of Labor.
The numerous and complicated cases which have been recently brought to this Office, involving the rights of freedmen who have contracted for a share of the crop, have tended to confirm the opinion heretofore expressed in the monthly Reports from this Office, that it is bad policy for the freedmen to contract for "a part of the crop." Applications are constantly made at this Office by freedmen, or by white men in behalf of freedmen, to have "that part of the crop belonging to the laborers according to contract" released from mortgage, attachment, &c, levied on the entire crop by