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Abuse of Freedmen.

A few cases of this character have been submitted at this Office during the month, which have been investigated, and such action taken as the merits of the cases seemed to require.

Systems of Labor-Contracts.

There is nothing to report on this subject, in addition to what was reported last month.


The severity of the winter being past, a few schools for freedpeople are being organized in different parts of the Sub. Dist. It is feared, however, that they will have some trouble in keeping up schools, as reports have recently reached this Office of the burning of school-houses occupied by the col'd people. These cases are now undergoing investigation.

Feeling between the Races.

The feeling between the races is about as stated in the Report for last month. There is a great want of confidence in each other, which, it appears, is very hard to remove. The bad state of feeling engendered during the late political contests, seems to be gradually giving way.

I am, General,
Very respectfully,
Your Obt. Serv't.
W. E. Connelly
Sub. Asst. Comr.