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their labor, and more but the latter are competent to discharge the duties required. Some of the Whites entertain hatred & ill feeling for the Freedmen, which they manifest in every way; this is occasioned by their ignorance, more than by any other cause. The freedman with but few exceptions, are disposed to act well, and be respectful to the Whites, considering the great change that has taken place, the ignorant life they had but a few years  ago, without facilities for acquiring knowledge, and even denied them when opportunity offered, their good conduct is marvellous & surprising. It is true they entertain a feeling of distrust & suspicion towards the Whites, which is very natural, & which time alone can heal.

I respectfully invite the attentions of the Asst Commr. to the Tax laws, both State & County. They are extremely oppressive particularly for the poorer classes both White & Colored. It is almost impossible under the present rates of taxation for the laboring man to provide himself with the necessaries of life, leaving no opportunity for saving. If the taxes could be modified so as to