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The Schools here before reported are still in progress and information has reached this office that new ones are being opened at various points with prospects somewhat encouraging.

The Freedmens School Building of this City in progress of erection since Oct 22d 1868 is very near completion. The work remaining undone is to be finished by contract, and the building taken up as completed & turned over to the C.Q.M.

Condition and Prospects of the Freedmen.

Now that they Bureau of Freedmens affairs is about expiring it may be well to briefly consider the condition, and prospects, of the freedmen in this section of the South. The better class of the freedpeople, which includes the more intelligent, & industrious, & capable are, for the most part, making good use of every opportunity which their freedom offers them in comfortably providing for themselves & families, either by settling on the Public Lands, or buying or renting land of the planters.
But there is a large class of the freedpeople so lacking in enterprise, and thrift, & intelligence,