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appearance at Court. But the difficulty is when the case comes to the Jury. there everything is in favor of the white man and against the negro.
Now it is in consequence of this state of feeling, this prejudice against the Freedmen that we need a Freedmen Bureau or something similar We need in every community & one good, honest, responsible person, that is not afraid to do right; that is subject to the authorities of the U. S. alone and that is looked at and supported by the Authorities of the U. States. that will act as the agent and protection of the Freedmen until his education and experience have become sufficient to enable him to take care of himself. And this is just as necessary to the whiteman as it is to the Freedmen

If the Freedmen are thus to be eternally abused and oppressed with impunity. If he cannot collect his wages when they are due, he will not work and if he will not work but becomes as he must a thief and vagabond, the country will be ruined and the white people will have themselves to thank for such a state of Affairs

Persons who are not here, who know nothing about the state of Affairs as they are at present may argue and prove conclusively that the Employer actuated by interest will treat his Freedmen kindly and justly. But it is not so, It looks all right on paper, but it is false