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the parties to make affidavit, that they have used their utmost endeavours to sustain themselves, and have failed. By this course of proceedure, I am enabled to render assistance, only, to those who are entitled to it. The coming Winter will be a severe trial to these destitute people, and the bounty of the Government will be taxed heavily, for their support. Where they live at a distance, and own no property, and cannot by any possible means, support themselves, I have recommended, that they move nearer the Town.

In this County, there is little probability of there being much, if any, land confiscated, and, in order to render there destitute Refugees, and Freedmen self supporting, I respectfully recommend Plantations be leased by the Agent, or Assist. Supt.,where they can be had on reasonable terms, for the coming year, and these people put to work on them; and by leasing good Plantations, and a judicious management of them, I am confident that people can be made self supporting, and the system, in such cases, will beyond a doubt have a source of revenue to the Bureau. Several Planters, who own rich, and valuable Plantations, have desired to enter into an arrangement with me, to have the Government work their lands the coming year, and give them a portion of the crop. Where such an arrangement can be made, and the Planter furnish stock, and tools to work with, I think it ought to be done

I am, Colonel 
Very respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
A.L. Brown
Capt. & Assist. Supt. & Refugees &c