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Office of Assis't Sup't Bureau
of Refugees, Freedmen &c -
Greenville. Ala.
Dec'r 4th 1865.

Colonel. C. Cadle. Jr.

Colonel: -
I have the honor to submit my monthly report for the month of November 1865.
The assistance to dependent Whites I have again resumed and, by getting the aid of the Judge of Probate, am in hopes to be able to render all necessary Assistance, without imposition. The Judge is rendering me valuable Aid, and is willing to do all he can for the good of the Cause.
My Colony is in a very healthy condition, and increasing in Numbers, instead of diminishing. I am in hopes soon to be able to make arrangements to turn them all over to some Planter, or Planters, to work, and by taking a lien on the crop for the amount of rations issued, or a portion of them, make them self supporting.
We are greatly in need of Medical Care, and I trust this want will soon be supplied.
Only two Contracts have been presented to me during the Month, but I think think the coming Month will