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(150) one hundred and fifty scholars could be established to great advantage, I have also the opinion of several responsible persons that such a school would be of great advantage, the colored persons are willing to subscribe and do all they can, but they require the assistance of the Government in building and establishing a school and keep it up. I respectfully refer you to Mr Buckley for his views on the subject. Mr Buckley states having shipped a Box containing sanitary Store, which has however not been received. Clothing is very much required for the use of Hospital here and Colony at Garland, and I respectfully request, that from five (5) to six (6) dozen suits to be sent as soon as practicable more especially under clothing, also a few sheets, blankets and pillow cases. 

Jude Porter and myself coincide entirely in the issue of Rations and I flatter myself they are very materially cut down.

Contracts are still coming through very slowly. 

Your early attention is more particularly called to the clothing required as well as to the establishment of the public school. 

I. Am. Col 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt
S. O. Steinberg
Capt & Asst Supt