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Annual Report of J F McGogy
Agent. Bureau. R F and AL. at Greenville Alabama 
for the year ending October 31st 1866

The manner of punishing crime and securing justice.
this depends very much upon circumstances, in the State of Alabama prosecuting Freedmen. the Freedmen will be punished in accordance with the evidence produced and to the full extent of the law. but when Citizen is arainged before a court of Justice for committing an outrage upon Freedmen there seems to be a general lack of energy in the prosecution For example, A Freedwoman who was employed by Mr Robert S Lee, in the vicinity of Greenville Alabama during the winter of 1865 and 1866, stole a valueless piece of jewelry, which was recovered immediately. the said Freedwoman was not dismissed but continued with her employer until July 1866, when she expressed a determination to search for another home. she was immediately arainged before  Mr J D Safford, Justice of the Peace tried for theft of said jewelry in 1865 and committed to the County jail for three months. In july 1866. Mr John Dunn of Greenville. Butler County Alabama. was tried before Criminal Court for the second offence of assaulting an inoffensive old Freedwoman he was acquitted by the Probate Judge on the grounds of justification.

The Result of the free labor system
So far this has proved a success some of the Planters contracting with the Freedmen to labor for the year for a portion of the crop. others contracting with them for the year

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