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at a fixed price per month. but in every instance retaining more or less of their pay until the end of the year.

In many instances either through ignorance or intention to commit fraud there are errors in the contracts and in many instances after the burden of the years labor is hast the Freedmen is driven away and his wages forfited under the pretence of his violating his contract, under these circumstances there are many things to discourage the Freedmen, but I do not know of one instance where the planter has been injured by the Freedmen failing to comply with his contract.

The manner of executing State laws
The mode of proceding here is repugnant to the laws of any State. For instance, Wash Abrams Freedmen. files a complaint against Mr Jennings for an assault Mr D of Pasmer. Prosecuting Attorney for Butler County, conducts the suit for the State and charges Wash Abrams who is a witness for the State a fee of Five dollars for conducting the case

Claims of Soldiers

I have one Mothers claim presented but for want of some suitable person to take an affidavit as to her identity I have compelled to delay forwarding it

On the 4th day of October 1866. I learned that in the vincinity of my Office there was an Idiot Greedwoman in destitute condition, I requested the Probate Judge to have said Freedwoman cared for as a pauper, the Judge informed me there was not a dollar in the County Treasury and that the County could not provide for her, I effected such arrangements as prevented the woman from perishing in the street