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in maintaining the interest, and efficiency of the Colored Schools, and securing protection for all engaged in them. He has also taken every proper opportunity to instruct the Freedmen in regard to their new privileges and responsibilities as enfranchised citizens.

Working of the labor system.

The working of the labor system in this District is thus far quite free from any disturbing elements. The system of working upon shares very generally prevails, probably induced by the fact, that last year a great proportion of the laborers were defrauded of their wages. Laborers work well, the crops are in a very encouraging condition, and sanguine anticipations of better times give hope and energy to all who are not self-consigned to hopeless indolence and pauperism. There is still a great lack of promptness, and fairness in paying for service, and job work in towns.

Numerous complaints are made of refusals to pay small sums, which to the day laborer make the difference between plenty and want, but which from the insignificance of the case cannot well be prosecuted in law. The fact that the creditor is Colored, seems to many men, and women, a license to withhold payment to suit their convenience.