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Apprentice Laws.
The apprentice laws of the state had been abused to a great extent in this District. Many children of sufficient age and capacity to be a support to a Widowed Mother, were taken from her, and bound to a former Master to render him, unpaid service, through their Minority. Since the promulgation of General order No. 3 it has not been difficult to procure a revocation of indentures made under such circumstances. It is only in Butler County however, that cases have been brought to issue. The remoteness of other Counties and difficulty of communication with this office, has probably prevented aggrieved parties from giving the necessary information. The Judge of Probate in Butler County, declines to act under General Orders No 3, unless the case is brought before him by petition for a writ of Habeas Corpus. This may perhaps be the better course.

System of Taxation.
The system of taxation bears very largely upon the Freedmen and reports of fraudulent assessment have been brought to this Office. Steps have been taken to make a thorough investigation of these alleged frauds.

Freedmen's Schools