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is impossible to enforce the law, and in consequence of the prejudice of the Intendant of this town, against colored people, the ends of justice are not met. as an illustration, in the proceedings of the Intendants Court, a drunken man, without any provocation, with a razor in his hand assaulted a colored man: This colored man struck two blows in self-defense. These facts were clearly proven in the Intendants Court, but the colored man was fined twenty-five ($25.00) dollars and bound then to appear at the next term of court.
The freedmen generally are working well, being stimulated by the hope of making a good crop, which at present commands a high price.
I am informed that three (3) white children of one family, within the limits of this town, died of starvation within the past week. 
There is great need of some clothing for gratuitous distribution to a truly helpless class of persons in this town.