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Office Sup R.F. &. A.L. Sub Dist.
Huntsville Ala Oct 18th, 1868

No 1

I have the honor to report that I have this day rec'd Special Orders No. 84 War Dept. Washington, transferring Northern Ala, heretofore under jurisdiction of Brig Genl C.B. Fisk to your command.

By virtue of Special Orders No. 19 War Dept Bureau R.F & A.L July 31st, 1865 Asst Comr, Ky & Tenn Signed Brig Gen C. B. Fisk I was assigned to Duty as Sup Sub Dist, Huntsville Ala. and have been on duty as such since
On Augt 14" By Order of Brig Genl C.B. Fisk Lieut Miller 88" U.S.C.I was detailed for duty as Asst in this office. When I entered upon duty I found much to do. The Provost Marshall at once turned over all cases of Litigation and dispute between Freedmen and whites so I was compelled to have assistance and even then, was greatly overtaxed but have endeavored to do my duty.
In this part of the State the feeling against the Freedmen has been very strong perhaps much worse than in the interior as so many were turned loose to come in contact with the Armies.