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No 2

And having no fixed labor become demoralized and worthless. And the bitterness on the part of the people is in a great measure owing to the losses sustained by them in other property in addition to that of Negroes, their rights have not and are not yet acknowledged and resepcted by a large portion of the community though for the last six weeks there has been much improvement. 

Influence by the action of the State convention and of the fact that troops are being withdrawn from many Counties, Citizen Agents from several Counties have been appointed- In Jackson Co, O.C. Whitney at Bellefonte Station has been appointed but owing to a good deal of bitterness on the part of the people he can do but little, but, since the military arrested the Sheriff and Judge of Probate for transcending their power there has been less trouble. On Sept 25th I had Capt Wilbur of 42d U.S.C.I assigned to Guntersville Marshall County, he took twelve men with him as it is some forty miles off and in a section of country infested by bad men. this detail is only temporary and will soon be withdrawn and a citizen appointed if it meets your approval. 1st Lieut Stafford 42nd U.S.C.I on application from me was assigned to duty at this office because no clerk could be had