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Office Supt Bureau Refugee F and A. L.
Dist. of Ala. Huntsville Ala. January 24th 1866
J Edwards Esq
Agent B.R.F and A.L.
Duck Springs Dekalb Co. Ala.
I send you your appointment as agent of Dekalb Co. You will not approve contracts that do not conform in spirit to the forms sent. We require simple justice to both black and white, ask only that both will have it, we do not fix the price of wages but it must be fare living rates; such as will not bring the employer in debt at the end of the year. Be guided by all things by circular no. 1 enclosed and corresponded freely with this office you will record all contracts in a book kept by you for that purpose; no state or other laws making distinction between whites and blacks will be recognized. Consult with the Probate Judge of your county as regards the issue of rations which we propose to send if possible monthly.
These rations will only be distributed to destitutes; white and black who cannot work, and an exact record kept of all issues giving number of male and female; children male and female; all under fourteen years of age and children and all over fourteen years of age are adults.
If you will make arrangements to receive rations for the suffering poor of your county and notify us where to send them, we will ship to the most convenient point on the Railroad, from which your citizens must take them. Let me know as soon as possible where you want the supplies sent. You will ach mi co-operation with the Judge of Probate in the matter throughout. I have just received a letter from John R. Hoge Esq. Probate Judge of your county, who designates Guntersville and Trenton GA, as points to ship rations to. I can only